tuple_map(3) tuple_map(3)


tuple_map - apply function to elements in tuple


#include <cfl/tuple/tuple_map.hpp>

template <typename F, typename... ARGS>
auto tuple_map (F && f, ARGS &&... args);

auto f = [] (int arg) { return arg + 1; };
tuple_map (f, tuple (0, 1)) == tuple (1, 2);

auto g = [] (auto && arg) { return sizeof (arg); }
tuple_c <tuple_c <char [1], char [2]>, char [4]> u;
tuple_map (g, u) == tuple (tuple (1,2), 4);
tuple_Map (g, u) == 7;
tuple_map1 (g, u) == tuple (3,4);
tuple_Map1 (g, u) == tuple (3,4);


Roughly, tuple_map applies a function to all elements in a tuple, and returns the results in a new tuple. As the function may be shape-polymorphic and the tuple multi-dimensional, a more precise description follows below.

In general, a map is an higher-order function of arrays. For a unary function f and an array A, map is defined as:

        A  = {a(1)...a(n)}
map (f, A) = {f(a(1))...f(a(n))}    (1)

The function f may be shape-polymorphic, i.e. accept arrays of arbitrary shape, not only dimensionless elements. {a(i)} represents the collection of subarrays of A for which f(a(i)) is applicable. The collection is formed by each of the tuple elements of A, possibly recursively or not at all (see below). It should not be confused with the mathematical concept of a subset, which can be formed by arbitrary combinations of elements of the set.

If the collection of subarrays is not unqiue, i.e. f accepts arguments of more than one dimension, there are two variants of map using either the smallest or the largest collection of subarrays. In other words, either map A in as small or as large chunks as possible. The two variants are named tuple_map and tuple_Map respectively, where the lower-case m denotes small chunks, and the capital M large chunks.

The collection of subarrays may consist of A itself, meaning a map may be equivalent to a plain f (A). There are variants of map requiring the subsets to be strictly smaller than A, named tuple_map1 and tuple_Map1.

Full control over when f should be applied or not, is achieved by augumenting f with a predicate, see enable_if(3) for details.

Map accepts functions with higher arity. For a binary function g and two arrays A and B, map is defined as:

map (g, A, B) = {f(a(1), b(1))...f(a(n), b(n))}

Also here {a(i), b(i)} represents the collection of subarrays of A and B for which {f(a(i), b(i))} is applicable. This implies the collections {a(i)} and {b(i)} must have the same number of elements, which places some restrictions on argument shapes.

Finally, f may have void return type, if it does so for all subarrays in the map. Then map also has void return type.


As in the definition of map (1) above.


tuple_map is a container function.


cfl::tuple_map should not to be confused with std::map, which is an associative container operating on iterators.

The mix of underscore and camelCase in tuple_Map is maybe not very pleasing to the eye. Also, the names of two functions tuple_map and tuple_Map differing only in a single case may not be entirely safe. But for brevity, these are the chosen names in CFL.


tuple(3), enable_if(3)